Demand the Australian Government Does Not Allow Protected Forests to be Logged

  • van: Georgia B
  • ontvanger: Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce

Deputy Prime Minister, Barnaby Joyce, is proposing to open protected forest zones in Victoria to logging in order to save the Heyfield timber mill, according to a report on

Mr Joyce has asked the Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, to keep the mill open, proposing the Victorian Government brings forward timber production from future years while promising to open special protection zones for harvesting.

In addition, Mr Joyce wants to review the endangered status of the Leadbeater's Possum to ensure logging can go ahead. Leadbeater's Possum inhabit the protected zones, which is why Mr Joyce wants the species to be removed from the endangered list.

However, academics argue that opening the protection zones will only keep the mill going another one or two years while driving the possum to extinction.

The forests of Victoria must be protected. Will you join me in demanding Deputy Minister, Barnaby Joyce halts any plans to open protected forest zones to logging. Please sign and share the petition.

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