Help Local Orlando Shelter To Increase Adoptions and Reduce Euthanasia

  • van: SUE LEE
  • ontvanger: Florida State Government Commissioners and Officials

Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get support for this local Orlando shelter and others like it with the resources necessary to increase their successful adoptions and reduce euthanasia of unwanted pets. Too many animals are subjected to “being put to sleep” because there is “no room in the inn.” All shelters deserve this type of support in the name of all the sweet creatures that are looking for forever homes!

A local Orlando, Florida animal shelter has been pleading with county commissioners for funding in the hopes of placing more animals with rescue groups or in permanent homes. One of the spokespeople for the shelter states that it is “unfortunate, at the end of the day they have to watch some of the animals they've come to love be put down. No one can watch these animals die each and every day without feeling a sense of hopelessness.”

What wonderful, compassionate people these are and they need full support from the Government and the Commissioners. They are opening their ears but not taking the immediate action necessary to help the animals, since the shelter also needs some lighting improvements and air-conditioning. Although a program has been established to spay and neuter animals as a way to reduce more unwanted pets and in recent years euthanasia has decreased slightly; but not enough.

There should be more people like these in more shelters nationwide that put the animals and their needs for home and love as a priority. We must admire their passion and encourage the Commissioners to grant them the help and support they need. Please sign and share this petition worldwide in an effort to get support for this local Orlando shelter and others like it with the resources necessary to increase their successful adoptions and reduce euthanasia of unwanted pets.


Florida State Government Commissioners and Officials – You have to proud of people like these at the shelter in Orlando seeking your help and support. It is devastating to put down perfectly healthy animals because of a lack of funds, space and not being adopted. Please take every effort and step possible to grant these animal lovers and advocates the resources they need to run a smooth, healthy shelter without unnecessary euthanasia practices.

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