Tell Belgium Filmaker to STOP Throwing Cats!

Flemish artist Jan Fabre throws cats in the air, for a film project, which has the support of the Mayor of Antwerp, Belgium. The mayor also consents to the use of dogs, raptors and turtles.

A secretly recorded video shows the so-called artistic film being shot throwing frightening and screaming cats in the air, while many of them loose their balance.

See video here:

This is animal cruelty; not artistic film making. It unnessarily puts animals at risk of injury and is unacceptable that the Mayor of Antwerp would consent to use animals this way.

Tell the mayor to withdrawl consent for this project, and any future projects which frighten and can harm animals for the sake of "art".

SOURCE and Addition Petition:

Flemish artist Jan Fabre throws cats in the air, for a film project, which has the support of the Mayor of Antwerp, Belgium. The mayor also consents to the use of dogs, raptors and turtles.

A secretly recorded video shows the so-called artistic film being shot throwing frightening and screaming cats in the air, while many of them loose their balance.

See video here:

This is animal cruelty; not artistic film making. It unnessarily puts animals at risk of injury and is unacceptable that the Mayor of Antwerp would consent to use animals this way.

Tell the mayor to withdrawl consent for this project, and any future projects which frighten and can harm animals for the sake of "art".

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