Lord & Taylor Department Stores, Stop Selling Ivanka Trump Products

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Hudson's Bay Company, Lord and Taylor
Canadians have something to celebrate after the announcement that the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) — the nation's oldest department chain — has finally decided to drop ALL of Ivanka Trump's products from their stores.

The #Grabyourwallet movement — which makes reference to President Trump's crude "Grab them by the p***y" comment urges consumers to boycott any store selling any Trump family product. The #Baycott movement specifically targeted the Hudson's Bay Company.

Now the company has finally decided that selling Trump brand products wasn't worth the headache and have axed them from their shelves.

But HBC seems to have stopped short of taking Ivanka Trump of all of their shelves to the chagrin of many south of the border. Lord & Taylor, a popular east coast department store is owned by the Canadian retail giant and still sells Ivanka Trump.

Why should Canadian trash heaps be the only ones who get to enjoy the quality hate-filled foreign-made luxury of Ivanka Trump brand clothing and other goods? If HBC believes that Ivanka Trump brand products are no longer good enough for the Canadian consumer we beg them to do the same for their American customers who deserve the same respect.

In fact, it could even make good business sense. When news broke that Nordstrom had decided to scratch Ivanka's clothing from their catalogs their stock value actually went up. Now that Lord & Taylor is struggling to maintain market share, perhaps getting rid of this product pariah could help get the retailer back into the good graces of the American consumer.

Please sign the petition and urge HBC to do in the US what they have done for Canada and take Trump products off their shelves for good.

#baycott #grabyourwallet

Photo Credit: Twitter
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