Stop Global Climate Change: Ensure All Emissions are Considered in the New NEB Regulations

  • van: Amelia Meister
  • ontvanger: Catherine McKenna, Minister of Environment and Climate Change, Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister

Currently the National Energy Board's (NEB) regulations regarding pipelines are being considered. The NEB is the ultimate voice as to whether pipelines are approved for development in Canada. The previous conservative government changed NEB regulations to deny democratic process surrounding public input on pipeline projects.

The new Liberal government is reviewing the regulations and interim regulations have been put in place to consider how pipeline development affects climate change. These new regulations could stop all pipeline projects in their tracks. However, the government is tricking people by saying it will consider direct and upstream emissions but not downstream emissions.

Direct and upstream emissions are the emissions that come directly from the pipelines themselves and from the sources upstream, like the Alberta tarsands. Downstream emissions are the emissions that come from the transportation and burning of the bitumen coming from the pipelines.

By twisting words, the government is trying to fake that they are taking climate change seriously. We need to let them know that all emissions must be taken into consideration in pipeline development as climate is a global, not a local, issue.

Sign today to send a strong message to Canada that we need to consider all effects of the pipeline project, not just those that happen on our soil. 

We, the undersigned, ask that the new NEB regulations take into account all emissions from pipeline projects, including downstream emissions. 

We understand that climate change is a global issue and that greenhouse gases emitted from burning fossil fuels, originating from pipelines in Canada, affects Canadians just as much as the country burning the bitumen. In considering pipeline projects we demand that the NEB have to consider downstream emissions so that the full impact of increased access to fossil fuels is considered. 

The downstream emissions from the current pipelines in review would make it impossible for the COP21 agreements to be followed. We agree that we must act now to ensure that climate change is taken seriously in this country and that involves downstream emissions being considered in the NEB review process. 

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