Demand that the Mississippi & Indiana Nat'l guards cancel illegal kangaroo boxing matches

  • van: Livja Sorenson
  • ontvanger: Maj.Gen. Martin Umbarger Ltc. Cathy Van Bree, officer of public affairs and Staff Sgt. Les Newport, public affairs and media relations NCO, Gov. Mike Pence, Maj. Gen. Augustus L. Collins, adjutant general of the Mississippi National Guard Armory, Gov. Phi

On Jan. 19th-20th the Columbus National Guard in Columbus Indiana is planning to host a kangaroo vs human boxing match. As part of the Stardust circus aka Star family circus. On Jan. 18th-21st The Natchez National guard in Natchez Mississippi with be doing the same. We demand that they follow the lead of Arkansas National Guard, which called off another circus's performances in four cities after learning of its appalling record of animal care. 

Forcing kangaroos to box with humans is stressful to the naturally gentle animals, kangaroos kept for such events have contracted illnesses and died, and that fighting animals is forbidden under Mississippi law, as is hosting such a fight.

Since 2005, Star Family Circus has been cited by the U.S. Department of Agriculture for nearly two dozen Animal Welfare Act violations involving kangaroos, including failing to provide a kangaroo with adequate veterinary care and failing to house a kangaroo in a structurally sound facility that protects the animal from injury. Two kangaroos used by a different exhibitor for cruel boxing matches have died while touring—one kangaroo from complications of a deadly bacterial disease called "lumpy jaw," which can result from extreme crowding, poor hygiene and diet, and stressful conditions.

We demand that these events be cancelled. Outdated, illegal acts of animal cruelty IS NOT something the National guard should be involved with.

Thank you for your support in this important cause,

                                 Sincerely, Livja Sorenson

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