Save Tigers and Rhinos in Chitwan National Park

  • van: Animal Nepal
  • ontvanger: Prime Minister of Nepal, Minister of Finance, Roads and Forests

Nepal government has announced its plans to construct a Terai Hulaki Highway and East-West Electric Railway in Terai, cutting through Chitwan National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage. The projects threaten tourism and decades of conservation that has rescued the tiger and rhino from the brink of extinction. 

Update #19 jaar geleden
Dear friend,

We are very pleased to inform you that the government has confirmed it will divert the railway around Chitwan National Park.

But the danger for Chitwan's wildlife is not over. The design for the postal road or Hulaki Highway has not changed. Prime Minister Oli is presently in New Delhi to get support for this project. We continue our campaign with the help of Indian colleagues.

Thank you for your concern!

Animal Nepal Team
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