The neglect these horses suffer in the off season is appalling and should not be allowed by any means from any company. The fact that the oversight committee has turned a blind eye to all of the issues brought to their attention by the community regarding the horses well being and the company's recklessness, is beyond disturbing. These horses are also supposed to be kept at a walk and/or trot while on the oceanfront staying out of the ocean itself for the safety of both humans and the horses, yet they arogantly gallop up and down the beach, along with taking the horses into the ocean without care, because no one ever enforces the rules of the contract. Tourist attractions are supposed to represent our area and our community, to bring in more business. A company being the face of such an attraction should be the elite. Unfortunately, the only thing this company represents is our community's incompetence for knowing and yet still allowing this business to continue for this long without any changes.

Proposal for the city to dissolve their contract with Virginia Beach Horseback LLC. To revise their contract for future businesses looking to pursue this opportunity, to include year round oversight of the horses care and well being. To include a selected representative from the local equine community on the oversight committee. 

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