End to Concentration camps for animals in Serbia

  • van: Marina Mo
  • ontvanger: Serbian Ministry for Agriculture and President of Veterinary Directorate

Dogs and cats, kittens and puppies are tortured, slaughtered on daily basis.There are no enough

shelters for all and they die on streets from hunger,cold, thirst,abuse.Many are

poisoned. If they survive the street,they are murdered, whether during

transport to "pounds" or immediatelly upon arrival. The time they spend

alive,in pounds,they spend starving. The lives and deaths of these poor animals

are a source of economic exploitation for animal pounds (which are funded by

tax payers), and many other professions involved.

We request following solution of this problem: 1. Transformation of all animal

pounds into actual care centres for animal welfare, with NO KILL POLICY. 2.

Transport of animals with care and in a non-agressive manner. (one animal per

cage and without the use of torture techniques) 3. A main focus on the

neutering of animals, which ultimately will help with overpopulation problems.

3. Public access to all 'animal centre' documents and premises' to prevent

financial gain through falsified records, and also the torture and abuse behind

closed doors.

We want all centres for animal welfare to be focused on the accommodation and

help to abandoned animals; to cure them, desex and provide services which help

find them permanent homes. We simply request a civilized approach to this

problem; NO more concentration camps built for animals under the guise of an

'animal pound/care centre'.

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