Help 32,000 Baby Cows Stranded in Egypt!

An estimated 32,000 baby cows have been stranded aboard ships for six weeks at an Egyptian port after arriving from Australia. The Ministry of Agriculture is keeping them quarantined after fears that they were given cancerous treatments before boarding a vessel from Australia to Egypt, where they are planned to be slaughtered.

The cows remain on board their vessels in horrible conditions, waiting for the ministry to decide their fate. According to an al-Shorouk news report, they will likely remain on these ships for weeks as further tests take place.

This is not the first time when cows suffered on ships destined for Egypt. Earlier this year, 3,000 cows died on a ship after the Egyptian government refused to let them dock.

Thousands of animals are suffering and have died because of poor live export practices and lack of communication. Please urge the Ministry of Agricuture to offload the 32,000 stranded cows and take action to prevent similar situations from happening in the future!

Dear Egyptian Ministry of Agriculture,

As you may be aware, an estimated 32,000 baby cows have been stranded aboard ships for six weeks at the Ain Sokhna port after arriving from Australia. We understand that the Ministry of Agriculture is keeping them quarantined after fears that they were given cancerous treatments before boarding a vessel from Australia to Egypt, where they are planned to be slaughtered.

The cows currently suffer in horrible conditions. According to an al-Shorouk news report, they will likely remain on these ships for weeks as further tests take place.

This is not the first time when cows suffered on ships destined for Egypt. Earlier this year, 3,000 cows died on a ship after the Egyptian government refused to let them dock.

Thousands of animals are suffering and have died because of poor live export practices and lack of communication. We believe this is unacceptable. We respectfully urge you to offload the 32,000 stranded cows and take action to prevent similar situations from happening in the future. Thank you for taking the time to read and consider our petition.

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petitie tekenen


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