Biminites breaking their silence! Enough of this Environmental violence!

Biminites from time memorial, our ancestors past and present, have depended upon the environment, mainly the sea, for survival. Yes, we have had and still have the Hotel industry that provided and still provides jobs. Most of these were dominated by foreign investors. However, none of these investors have done major environmental changes to our "Island in the Stream" like Resorts World Bimini has, and is, doing.

While there has been some short-term economic boost, who will suffer in the long run? Unfortunately, the residents of Bimini.

This development threatens the lifeline of Biminites, the fishing industry. When the developers destroy our mangroves and our marine life, we are the ones that will feel the negatives effects from the storms and the decline of seafood and yes global warming. We can't allow this to continue!

We are not opposed to development, however we are opposed to developments that threaten our environment and our livly-hood. How about developing more marine reserves, and other tourist attractions that will promote and sustain our natural environment? It can be done.

Investors will leave and we will remain! Enough is enough! The newly proposed South Bimini airport ferry-terminal, and other anti-environmental developments, will devastate the fishing industry! We demand more sustainable development that would promote a clean environment!

We have the power! The government works for us! Let our voices be heard. Sign this petition and let them meet with us to hear our concerns about maintaining a sustainable economy and preserving our natural habitat.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Thanks Friends and Residents of Bimini who have already signed this petition. Resorts World last week abandoned their Cruise Ship operations in Bimini. This after destroying and damaging our our Eco-system on the North western side of Bimini. Now they are still hell bent on destroying the south eastern side. Are we prepared to see this devastation occur one again. Let's continue to say hell to the no by inviting friends to sign this petition.
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