The UK Just Banned the American Bully XL Dog Breed

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak

The United Kingdom's Prime Minister Rishi Sunak just banned the American Bully XL from the country entirely after a series of dog attacks.

These attacks are brutal, and all people deserve safety from pets and animals. But banning breeds outright simply hurts responsible and caring owners who raise sweet, peaceful pups. It ignores the root cause of aggression and violence from dogs: unethical breeding practices.

If the Prime Minister is going to proceed with this ban, he must commit to targeting breeders, not individual dogs or their owners.

Sign now to demand Prime Minister Rishi Sunak target breeders, not individual dog owners!

Owners of bully XL dogs throughout the UK were dismayed at the news. Many of them have loving, gentle animals that live in homes with children and have never shown any form of aggression. 

The real culprit -- of violence against animals and eventually people -- is the unethical dog breeding industry. This is exactly why Prime Minister Rishi Sunak must go after the breeders of these bully XLs in light of this new ban. Sign the petition now if you agree! 

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