Switzerland - Stop Letting Connyland Kill Dolphins

  • van: Judith B.
  • ontvanger: The Government of Switzerland

Connyland, an amusement park that cannot seem to decide whether it is a nightclub or an aquarium, has caused the deaths of several of its unfortunate dolphins over the years. Connyland is the last place left in Switzerland that holds dolphins, and it is treating them horrifically

Post mortems show that deaths of two dolphins last year were caused by Connyland's management allowing a rave on the site. In this incident, party goers gave the dolphins opiates and they drowned.

This is not the first time Connyland has killed its own dolphins through maltreatment and carelessness. Similar incidents have hit the headlines several times in the last few decades, with the deafening music distressing the dolphins so much that their immune systems are irrevocably damaged.

Captivity causes immense stress for dolphins in even the best facilities. Switzerland needs to stop this unconscionable cruelty by refusing Connyland permission to keep dolphins any longer.

We the undersigned ask that you refuse to allow the marine park, Connyland, to exhibit dolphins any longer. The park has already caused the deaths of several dolphins in its care, some of which have been associated with the park’s practice of allowing extremely loud music on the site.

Connyland's astonishing ill-treatment of its animals reaches international news regularly. Even in the best run facilities, captivity is enormously stressful for dolphins.

We ask that Connyland's remaining dolphins be rehabilitated into the wild or retired to facilities in Europe that have the space and expertise to care for them properly, if scientists agree that rehabilitation is not possible. We also ask that Connyland, or any other marine park in Switzerland, not receive permission to acquire any more dolphins for commercial purposes.

Thank you for your attention.

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