Gordon Food Services put a stop to animal abuse

  • van: C Huber
  • ontvanger: P.F. Changes, Perkins, Culvers and Red Robin Restaurants

If you follow the news you already know that Gordon Food Services has a assumed reputation of NOT caring for animals. They are one of the largest food distributors in the United States. Some of their suppliers have been exposed, by undercover investigations,showing horrific suffering to conscious animals. Yet GFS has NO interest in putting a stop to this or up to this point has taken no action.
On April 22, 2015 a petition containing 120,000 plus signatures was delivered to GFS Headquarters in Grand Rapids asking GFS to implement animal welfare requirements for all it's suppliers. No such action has taken place. Perhaps the only way to get some results is to have their buyers, restaurants chains that purchase from them, apply pressure. The following are some of GFS main customers P.F. Changs, Perkins Culvers and Red Robin ( a restaurant with a animals name should really care ). I'm asking that you sign this petition as a pledge not to patronize the before mentioned restaurants, or at least not as often until they contact GFS and demand enactment of animal welfare policies.

Update #19 jaar geleden
If you signed this petition and can spread the word to others on facebook or any other social media site, asking them to sign, PLEASE DO SO. There are so many people out there that care about the treatment of animals that can help move this petition forward.
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