I am a passionate horse rider. I have been riding horses for over 10 years in many different states, stables, and disciplines. I had come to my attention over the last couple years the amount of people wanting to remove horse riding and riding sports. Why? Many of these people won't see the good side of the riding industry, they only see the bad side. Many parents enrolled their kids to riding schools and lessons where they learn responsibility, respect, importance, listening skills, empathy, and so much more! They can go to shows where it is suppose to be a place to learn and show to others your bond with the horse. To see what you need to fix and work on when schoolingnat home. Peoppe use horses for therapy, rehabilitation, and even work. Horse breeds that could have gone extinct have been preserved by riders, without riders they wouldn't be on earth anymore. Though some would say if humans didn't have horses they wouldn't have been in the place to begin with. But without horses we wouldn't be where we are today. People want other time use vehicles less so ranchers use horses that are more reliable and sturdy. But if we remove horse riding then ranchers can't do their job.
Horses are amazing creatures that offer so many opportunities to people around the world. They are therapeutic, relaxing, they offer a freedom no other creature can. From horses I have learned to be brave, resilient, thoughtful, plan ahead, cautious, and more intelligent by the will to learn more about the amazing creatures who helped me. I see it every day, neglected horses, backyard breeders, abuse, and over stocked. But these people who want to take away horse riding aren't just punishing the people who hurt horses. They are punishing people who find enjoyment and passion in the equine partner they work with. The people who work their behind off to feed and care for their horses. To give them the best life they can. To learn to become a better rider, learn about the animal they work with, and how to connect the best way possible. What will happen to horses if riding is gone? Look at the wild mustang, they are rounded up and killed because "they have no purpose and are taking up space". Horses will be in an even worse place if riding becomes illegal, think about that for a second. Instead of banning riding, let's work on changing major equine sport rules. I have been to shows where multiple nosebands and harsh bits are legal. Let's work on that. I've been to shows where drugs are legal. Let's change that. I've seen horrible riding on national TV and been praised. Let's change that. Let's change the way people look at horses, let's work on making the riding world a better place for horses. The sports aren't what's hurting the horses, its the way humans go about the sports.
I personally will never stop riding, it is my passion and I have a dream career in the horse industry. I don't think should be banned, I think we need to fix the rules to be more humane. And go back to the old ways and train horses the right way. Slow, start them at an older age, ext. There are many ways to go about it. But we need to change it, horses can give a world of good for humans. Now let's do a world of good for the horses.
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