Save Our Sea Bass

  • van: D Curtis
  • ontvanger: The Fisheries Ministers of the European Union

This petition is to tell the EU Fisheries Ministers that we want an 80% cut in the amount of sea bass landed in 2015.

The sea bass population has been under pressure from increased commercial fishing and a number of poor years where fewer young bass have been growing to maturity and reproducing. In June, scientists advised the EU that the amount of sea bass landed needs to be cut by a staggering 80% in 2015, if it is to be fished in a sustainable manner (as EU law requires).

The EU Fisheries Ministers are meeting in December to discuss what action to take in respect of sea bass. There is a risk that they will not agree any measures, or agree only some weak measures (to be implemented over a number of years), that will not save the sea bass.

Update #110 jaar geleden
The EU have released draft regulations on sea bass fishing.

The only commercial fishing they restrict (and only partially) is pelagic (ie mid-water) trawling between Jan and April in 1 area out of 8 that scientists say contain pre-spawning and spawning aggregations of sea bass. So the pillaging of breeding fish will continue.

There are no other provisions to restrict other targeted and non-targeted (the latter represents 40% of all sea bass landings) commercial fishing for sea bass.
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