ENOUGH Is ENOUGH (Leave Michael Vick Alone)

A year ago  Michael Vick was sentence to 21 months for Dog Cruelty.  He has served his time and has paid his debt to society, yet some are determined to never give him a second chance and obviously they don't believe in forgiveness!  Those of us that have supported Michael VICk throughout this ordeal DID NOT, HAVE NOT, and WILL NOT condone the actions of cruelty to dogs... HOWEVER feel... 'a man'... 'A Human Being' deserves a second chance at redemption. Michael Vick has never stated he was a role model (As mention in an Anti-Vick Petition) After all, Is it not THE PARENTS RESPONSIBILITY TO BE ROLE MODELS FOR THEIR OWN CHILDREN?

Whether it's dog fighting, drug charges, or wife beating... which several altheletes are guilty of...the #1 Role model should be those that are out to set examples for those they LOVE...and for whom they are responsible...THE PARENT...But you choose to teach NON-FORGIVENESS!!!

Did they forget about the guy who beat his dog with a Hammer and caused the dog to become blind?  Did they Not see the guy who threw the cat in the air 30 feet?  What about Sarah Palin, who at the time was running for Vice-President, conducting an interview while the guy behind her was slaughtering chickens?  Where are the Petitions against those type acts?

Enough is Enough!! People are merely being evil, vendictive, and demonstrating hate...YEAH Now that's being a GOOD ROLE MODEL!!

Even those that don't support Vick have to say Enough Is Enough!!!  Why take away his lively hood???  He's still human!! And deserves a second chance...What if it was you or a loved one? wouldn't  you want a second chance? No?? you may never fight dogs, but we've all needed forgiveness for something...  Leave Vick Alone! Let him come home to some type of sanity!!!  He still deserves his job...It's up to YOU to determine who your child's role model should be...

Please add your name and forward this petition to those that feel A person derves a chance to prove his/herself.  Let Vick Play!!!!
Enough Is Enough!!!
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