• van: Amy Polnoff
  • ontvanger: Governor of California, Jerry Brown

The citizens of California are at risk of the wrong people obtaining their private information over the internet for no good or valid reasons. Private information is for sale at a very low price. For a trial membership of as little as .90 cents, companies are allowing anyone to obtain personal information of people for as long as 7 days without limit as to the number of records that can be obtained during that trial period. Privacy Rights Clearinghouse at has the most extensive list of all the online "information brokers", currently 240 and counting. See what our Senate thinks of this invasion of privacy This has become a very lucrative market, all at the expense of a person's privacy. People all over the country should view these sites and see exactly what and how much of their information is easily accessible. Risk for identity theft has heightened just because these corporations have determined that their "brokering" of the information is very lucrative and leaves them, and their "members" without legal responsibility as to what information is accessible and how it is used. Learn more Some people are even finding their information being posted on social media sites by people who are being malicious or spiteful and looking for a way to embarass and harrass another. Stop these companies from making this information available on the internet. Require this "public" information to only be obtainable thru the custodial public/government agencies", requiring a fair but greater fee to be paid for records being sought such as birth certificates, list of relatives, marriage certificates, divorce certificates, criminal records, arrest records, traffic citations, address history, medical records, etc. Require that the inquiring party provide their own personal information and the reason for the inquiry with a signed release by the person whose information is being sought. Enforce the right to privacy for the citizens within California! Stand up and sign this petition, telling Governor Brown that regardless of what other states are willing to allow, he needs to stand up for our citizens and protect their privacy. Prove to the country that privacy is essential for all citizens!

Update #311 jaar geleden
In the AARP November, 2013 edition of the Bulletin, an article written by Sid Kirchheimer was included about the serious issue of personal and private information being available to the wrong people. Please read the article in the link provided and sign this petition.
Update #211 jaar geleden
Senator of West Virginia, Jay Rockefeller, is demanding answers from Experian as to how much consumer information in their data bases has been provided to outside sources.
Please visit and sign this petition today
Update #111 jaar geleden
The FTC has taken notice. How about you? Visit the links below:
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