Petition to end animal testing!
Around 26 million animals are tested on every year in the U.S. for scientific/commercial testing. These animals are used and thrown away after the results of what they are being used for are found. They are also injected with many diseases to try and mimic their effect as humans, such diseases include heart disease, different types of cancer, Parkinson's, HIV, and schizophrenia.
This is no way to live a life and certainly not a humane practice. Animals are living beings and deserve to live a full live. Methods have been placed that now do not include animals to be tested on but instead use human cells in a Petri dish, which is a more effective practice that scientists can use.
In addition, testing on animals is a complete waste of a life due to a whopping 94% of tests that pass the animal stage fail on humans. 94%.
219 animals are killed every minute in a U.S. lab. These animals had no chance of a normal life. L'Oréal announced they would be going cruelty free in 2013 but have failed to provide evidence that they will ceased the testing. Loopholes and deceitful wordplay are used to continue tests and harm animals. They use any means necessary to ensure they continue to have maximum profit on their products.
"An exception could be made if authorities required it for human safety or regulatory purposes." This is an example of a loophole used to keep the practice alive and well. These terms indicate that they only animal test if the authorities require it, which In turn signifies that the practice is still in use in China where it is required by the law to test on animals.
With your help, we can end the needless and cruel sacrifice of animals who become test subjects for companies' profits. We can help aid the end of animal sacrifice and implement new strategies for researchers to focus on, and in the future advance on these practices. These methods of the twenty-first century stray away from animal testing and focus on methods that can bring effective results.
The institute of Harvard Wyss created "organs on chips" grown in a "state of the art system" that can imitate the layout and use of human organs. These chips imitate the effects certain diseases have on the corresponding organs and in turn bring more effective results than animal testing.
In addition, a multitude of cell and tissue tests have been used and are currently in use around the world to test products used on humans. These cells are fabricated in labs and pose no threat to humans or animals (mainly rabbits, mice, and Guinea pigs) and bring positive results that can be used to aid human development in products
With your help, we can end animal testing and use different methods to test drugs that won't affect our furry friends. The twenty-first century is an age of technological advances, its time for loreal and other companies that test on animals to catch up.
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