Allow Backyard Chickens in the City of Tonawanda

    In current state, our local ordinance does not allow the raising of chickens. I am asking our local council to amend that ordinance to allow a small number of egg laying hens via approval and permit.

    There are many benefits with raising your own small flock. Besides have more nutritious than store bought eggs everyday and knowing where your food is coming from, chickens provide stress relief, pest/bug control, less food waste as they eat many household table scraps, education for your family, and entertainment!

    Many people think of chickens as smelly animals. All other municipalities that allow chickens set a minimum distance from any doors, windows, and neighboring property lines. Some ordinances also require your neighbors permission before starting your own small flock. With daily/weekly cleaning like you would your household dog, the risk of smell is diminished.

    North Tonawanda, Amherst, Williamsville, City of Buffalo, and the City of Niagara Falls all allow the raising of a small flock of hens.

    I am asking the council to mimic the ordinance that Amherst has in place:

    This ordinance requires a permit and approval for 6 egg laying hens. Roosters are not allowed.

    Please show your support by signing this petition.
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