Halt the Hunt: Protect Sweden's Endangered Wolves from Culling

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Swedish Environmental Protection Agency

The Swedish wolf population is under siege from new laws that threaten their very survival. With plans to cut down the population from a barely sustainable 375 to a dangerous low of 170, Sweden is going to push its wolf population towards a precarious future. We must act now to protect this endangered animal!

Sign the petition to demand the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency stop the cull of endangered wolves!

Historically, Sweden's wolves have faced extinction due to aggressive hunting practices, causing the country to have no breeding wolf population between 1966 and 1983. Now, they are again endangered, a status confirmed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. 

While farmers claim the wolves threaten livestock, there are proven non-lethal measures to try first – like electric fencing. This approach not only protects livestock more sustainably but also preserves our vital wildlife populations. It is quite simply a tragedy that this problem could be addressed without a single shot fired.

Sign the petition to demand that the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency reject these cruel culls in favor of integrating preventive strategies like electric fencing into their management plans!

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