Stop The Sale of Bullets in Vending Machines!

Did you know that in some states, you can now buy a gallon of milk, a dozen eggs, and a box of bullets—all in one trip?

A Texas-based company is installing vending machines that sell ammunition in grocery stores across Alabama, Oklahoma, and Texas. While they claim their technology makes it safe, we know that easier access to bullets can lead to more violence.

Why this is so important:

More Access, More Risk: The easier it is to buy ammunition, the higher the chance of impulsive and dangerous actions.

Public Safety Threat: Gun violence is already a major issue—so far this year, over 32,000 Americans have been lost to gun violence. More bullets in public spaces only increase the risk.

Harming Our Communities: Selling ammunition in family-friendly places like grocery stores normalizes gun culture and puts everyone at risk.

We're calling on Congress to ban ammunition vending machines in grocery stores nationwide. Technology should make us safer, not endanger our communities.

Every signature counts in this fight to protect our families and neighborhoods. Add your name now to help stop the spread of these dangerous machines!

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