Texas companion animal breeding laws

    Texas has very lax dog breeding laws where a person can have 11 dogs before a license is required to breed. Many dogs and cats, puppies and kittens fill hundreds of Texas animal shelters, humane societies and rescue groups every day and some don't make it out alive.

    Please make Texas a no kill state by making it illegal to kill any animal that is treatable and not irredeemably suffering, and by making it illegal to either intentionally or accidentally breed companion animals. Companion animals should be spayed and neutered. Breeders should be required to be licensed, submit to classes and annual inspections, and spay neuter puppies and kittens prior to releasing them to purchaser. The state shall hire an investigator or a team of investigators to monitor Craigslist, Facebook community pages, classifieds, Perfinder and other online sites to cite any person who gives away or sells puppies or kittens online, without a license. And should confiscate the animals to spay neuter and adopt out. Texas should hire night shit TNR animal control officers to TNR feral cats, and work with local TNR groups to incorporate cats into their colonies that can't be adopted as pets or barn cats.
    petitie tekenen
    petitie tekenen


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