Demand Justice for Apallo

Because the horse was abused abandoned and neglected by a woman and justice for the horse was not taken. The horse was ultimately shot and put down by a police officer.

Update #210 jaar geleden
l@@k!!!!!!!!READ AND SHARE AND PLEASE SIGN IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO HELP FIND JUSTICE FOR APALLO!!!!!We have 378 signatures this morning (need 1000). Apallo was a horse I once owned he was abandoned abused and neglected by owner and weight was down to skin and bones. He was put on a flat bed trailer to escape law enforcement and as pictured you can see the trailer. He fell from the trailer during hauling and ultimately was shot by a police officer due to his suffering. DEMAND JUSTICE FOR APALLO.
Update #110 jaar geleden
Thank you all who have signed this petition for Apallo. We have gotten 101 signatures for JUSTICE for Apallo. Our goal is 1,000. Please forward to all of your friends again and please sign our petition DEMANDING JUSTICE . He was an amazing horse WITH A BRIGHT FUTURE until they got him. He was starved to bones then moved on a flat bed uhaul trailer in the middle of the night where he fell off and broke his hip. PLEASE HELP US DEMAND JUSTICE!!!
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