Humane shelter environment and humane treatment
Indiana shelter abuse and Barbourville, KY animal shelter fire. There were 29 cats and one dog that burned in that shelter. I don't know the condition that shelter had at the time it burned. I was being sued over a farm accident on my property. The man
who died in the accident bragged about killing cats. I actually saw his daughter hold
a dog down with her foot and shoot the dog with a rifle at close range. The man's
son especially hated cats and blamed the bushog accident on my love for cats. The
bushog turns over near water and it turned over at that pond. My homeowners was either not mailed or was stolen from my mailbox. The man's wife told the court that
she did not want the house or property. At the end of court, the animal shelter burned.
The new shelter is in Corbin. The shelter worker has the same name as the man's wife.
I want justice for those animals by doing DNA and sending the guilty to prison for 30
Sally Hollen
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