Stop the City of Rehoboth Beach Flawed Zoning Ordinances!

I own property in the City of Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, do business here or am a visitor here. I support intelligent and collaborative zoning ordinances to preserve the charm and character of our city. I believe balanced living between residents and visitors will be encouraged through smart legislation of construction, parking, pools and noise.
I believe flawed zoning legislation produces unintended consequences like mini-parking lots, box houses and fewer trees. This impacts new construction and renovations to existing properties. I urge the City of Rehoboth Beach Mayor and Commissioners to vote against strict zoning! For more information:, Facebook SaveRehoboth, Twitter @SaveRehoboth.

We, the undersigned, petition the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of Rehoboth Beach to vote down flawed zoning legislation in the City of Rehoboth Beach, DE. Through this petition, we hope to convince the City of Rehoboth Beach to draft legislation that benefits all stakeholders in the city: home owners, visitors and business people. We believe this flawed zoning legislation will produce unintended consequences:

  • Turn private properties into mini-parking lots

  • Restrictive square footage would discourage charming porches and dormers

  • Lower property values for everyone

  • Prevent anyone from adding a pool, hot tub or addition to existing property

  • Encourage people to build more bedrooms, increasing occupancy

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