Child Day Care Safety and Liability Insurance

 Liability insurance averages $7 per year per child!

I know you are thinking it has happened to you but it could! Our children are America's greatest commodity. Together we can make sure that our hard earned dollar gives our children more than "being watched" we want them "being cared for" while at day care!

Working parents, mothers, single mothers, single fathers,  grandparents, educators, and all lovers of the safety of children: I am working hard to make the child care environment a safe one for your children. Please help me continue this fight by showing Washington, that mothers deserve quality childcare. Our children deserve to be protected and care for.

According to data from the National Survey of America's Families, (NSAF) nearly half of the children in our country will spend at leat 35 hours a week in childcare. Child care plays a major role in the lives of America's youngest children and these findings reinforce the need for policymakers to pay close attention to the quality of that childcare.

Update #18 jaar geleden
I am still fighting for Children Safety in Day Care, so please forward the petition to friends!
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