Please bring back the Ashtabula Ohio coast guard support our community and search and rescue needs

    We the families and friends of thoses lost in our viscous lake Erie that can change within minutes no matter how safe you are we are arguing our coast guard and our community to come together and fight to make this happen just think if this was your loved one you'd try and make this happen it's sad I followed up everyday with little hunter that was just wading in our waters I cried to god everyday let his family have peace to find him we took food and made family comfortable all we could do sad to say he was taken from us and the people that held onto the cooler for help and now the two gentlemen that were relatives just imagin I didn't know any of them but my prayers go out to all .The absence of this critical resource has resulted in to many preventable tragedies if closer instead of waiting (Thanks for the help) we need our coast guard s experience and support to ensure the safety of our waters and bring closure to thoses that are still being searched for our loved ones let's all work together we can do this if we just sit back and do nothing it could be someone you might know let's say we care for the ones we've already lost do our best to stop the next please sign my petition we can do this if we stick together thanks to everyone who cares lorrie
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