Canada has a long, rich and loving history with horses. They are faithful human companions who continue to contribute to the development of Canada's heritage. But darkness in the meat trade horrifically allows thousands of draft horses and ponies each year to be subjected to cruelty beyond that of our worst nightmares. They are being crammed into crates with little regard for their comfort often unable to stand in their natural positions and sent from Calgary airport to Japan for merciless slaughter in the meat trade. They are considered fresh as they are alive and are slaughtered to provide a raw meat delicacy in Japan. The ordeal of the flight alone can last 16-18 hours. Once the live horses are exported out of Canada's oversight there is no knowing what happens to them when they reach Japan for their unfortunate fate. If it is a similar slaughter for the horses that are killed on horse farms in Canada the process is barbaric and gut wrenching. It is time to give them a voice and stop the madness. Help free them from this cruelty, return them to their glorious natural lives where they should be, not as a continued part of the human food chain and the horrors that includes for them. Horses should not be food, please sign this petition demanding justice for the horses and help discontinue this heinous trade to Japan. Please ask Richard Broekman, Atlas Air, Staff Vice President Commercial Development and Charter Sales to discontinue the death flights to Japan for our precious horses. Please also support the Canadian Horse Defense Coalition in their fight to stop this.
Update #53 jaar geleden
Please please continue to spread the word that the horses need help. Thank you for being a caring human. Tell all your contacts to protest this horrible crime against these precious and gentle creatures caused to them by the lowest of humanity.
Update #44 jaar geleden
Thank you all SO much for signing this petition. We need to make sure we are the voices for these graceful creatures and that we help to stop this terrible and cruel crime. Keep informing others to what really goes on in this horrible industry. Keep safe everyone.
Update #35 jaar geleden
Thank you for caring enough to help these poor horses. Please, please keep this up and share this information with others. These poor creatures do not deserve this treatment and the care of kind humans is all they have to help them.
Update #26 jaar geleden
Thank you so much for signing! We are the horses voice, please keep up the great work! Please ask people to sign this petition. This crime against precious horses needs to be stopped.
Update #17 jaar geleden
Thanks for signing this! Keep up the great work to stop this terrible suffering for the horses. solidarity is the only way to defeat this evil industry. Please tell your friends to sign and spread the word of support. People like you make this world a better place!