Preserve the African Grey Parrot

  • van: Freya H
  • ontvanger: Governments of Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Nigeria, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and Kenya

When we're looking for an animal to keep as a pet, we think about food, exercise, and affordability. But how much thought do we give to where the animal came from? When we buy exotic birds through online ads or pet shops, we may be supporting the plunder of wild species. The African grey parrot (Psittacus erithacus) is one such species.

A plain parrot in comparison with the more flamboyant macaw or cockatoo, this medium-sized grey bird with poppy red tail is a popular companion bird. What may be lacking in dazzling colour is more than made up for in intelligence and speaking ability. But the African grey parrot is fast disappearing in the wild, its popularity in part contributing to its depletion. A catastrophic population decline has occurred over the last twenty years due to habitat destruction and trapping for the pet trade.

We the undersigned call upon you to take measures to save the African Grey Parrot in the wild. These parrots are vanishing due to poaching for the pet trade and habitat loss. These intelligent birds deserve protection from logging and trapping so they can continue to thrive in Africa.

Update #17 jaar geleden
The Democratic Republic of the Congo has stated that it will no longer export African Greys. Now the birds have a better chance!
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