Rodeo in New Zealand is inconsistent and incompatible with New Zealand’s reputation as a world leader in animal welfare. Rodeos involve pitting animals against humans and coercing animals to ‘perform’; therefore badly affecting the welfare of the animals involved. And all in the name of so-called ‘sport’ and ‘entertainment’. Rodeos therefore serve no useful purpose for animals and the risk of injury to these animals is high. The NZ Animal Welfare Act outlines that animals must be handled in a way that minimises the likelihood of unreasonable or unnecessary pain or distress. By allowing Rodeos to continue, this Government (and its Ministry for Primary Industries) is ignoring the very Act that it is obliged to uphold, in order to protect our animals in New Zealand. Rodeos are banned on the grounds of cruelty in several other countries. New Zealanders, like me, also want this cruel, outdated, shameful spectator ‘sport’ to go. No animal should be used and/or abused for human entertainment. As long as the cruel practice of Rodeo continues in New Zealand, this Government is not protecting the animals involved from unnecessary stress and suffering. Nor or is it protecting our global reputation as a leader in animal welfare. Why?
Using animals for human entertainment involves suffering, stress and fear – all of which badly affect the welfare of the animals involved. World Animal Protection also opposes Rodeos as they involve pitting animals against humans, coercing animals to ‘perform’ and therefore cause unnecessary animal suffering in the name of so-called ‘sport’ and ‘entertainment’.The New Zealand Government has ignored Select Committee Submissions from World Animal Protection (and all major animal-welfare groups in NZ) that oppose Rodeo. It has also ignored a 60,000 strong petition against Rodeo.Furthermore, misconduct complaints, about the mistreatment of animals in NZ Rodeos, have not ended in prosecution. The NZ Animal Welfare Act outlines that animals must be handled in a way that minimises the likelihood of unreasonable or unnecessary pain or distress.By allowing Rodeos to continue, our Government is also ignoring the very Act that it is obliged to uphold, in order to protect our animals in New Zealand.
This is the official SPCA policy.
How can an elected government ignore this?
The SPCA is opposed to the use of animals in rodeos.The SPCA believes that the skills demonstrated and promoted in rodeos are irrelevant in a modern society, and that the stress on all animals involved is such that their welfare is put at risk. The SPCA is opposed to the use of spurs and rowels in rodeos, and is particularly opposed to events such as bronco riding, calf roping and steer wrestling, where injury to animals may occur. The SPCA believes that rodeos are detrimental in terms of fostering a caring attitude towards living creatures. The latest polls show 89% of Kiwis are against rodeos, this number is rising as more people become aware of the atrocities that are commonplace in rodeo.The welfare of every animal used in Rodeos is at stake as well as our reputation as one of the world-leaders in animal welfare. The job of the NZ Government and its Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) - is to protect both.
Rodeos are banned on the grounds of cruelty in several other countries. New Zealanders also want this outdated, cruel and shameful spectator ‘sport’ to go.
Please tell our Prime Minister that the New Zealand Government must ban the cruel practice of Rodeos in New Zealand, now.
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