Save Miss Buck

  • van: Misty Woodhams
  • ontvanger: Bob Broscheid, Director, Colorado Parks and Wildlife; Representative Yeulin Willett, Colorado House of Representatives; Senator Ray Scott, Colorado Senate

My 15 year old son found a baby fawn only 2 days old she had been tangled in barbed wire. She was dehydrated, and very very weak. He picked her up, and called me to come get him and the deer.

We brought her home cleaned all the wounds, got her to eat, and she slowing began to regain her strength. My son slept on the floor with her for over 4 weeks making sure he was woken up when she need food or anything.

She is now 6 months old and DOW is insisting that we give her to them to be dropped in the desert or to be euthanized.

I am positive that if they just drop her off with out food or water she will slowly die. She is not a threat to anyone and is not bothering anyone. I feel it is very wrong to just kill something that fought so hard to live in the first place.

Outcome: Our family was forced to relocated her 47.1 miles away and leave her with a little bit of her corn. She was not allowed to be rehabilitated back to the wild!!!!!
Update #18 jaar geleden
Thank you again for the support from all over the world. The story has been updated with the outcome of the situation, which was taking her to the wild and leaving her. We need everyone one to contact Bob Broscheid, Director, Colorado Parks and Wildlife at his email to let him know how one of his own handled this sitation his email address is:
Please put in the subject line Save Miss Buck Petition
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