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Currently since the introduction of pet passport and allowing free travel to Europe with your pets with the current conditions, many pets have enjoyed holidays with their owners in the EU, this will stop after 29th March 2019.
There are no deals or plans put in place to allow you access into the EU with your pet.
There are no plans to allow EU registered Pet Passport Pets in to the UK after March 29 2019
The.will effect 1000,s of animal lovers, causing extreme destress to both owners and pet. It will also effect the earning of gite /holiday homes.
Following the Guidance of taking your pet abroad post Britexit, published by gov.uk 24th september 2018
The European Commission president has also said a four-day quarantine may be imposed on pet dogs and cats passing from the UK to continental Europe and again on their return journey.
Ian Jason Moran Md Paws need you to share this if you want free movement