If Hunter Gets a Pardon, Why Not Those on Death Row? Biden Must Act Before His Term Ends!

In a stunning move that has sparked widespread debate, President Biden granted a "full and unconditional" pardon to his son, Hunter Biden. However the public feels about this decision, it's ironic considering Biden has the lowest pardon rate since Nixon. There are currently 40 death row inmates, mostly Black, Latino or Asian, who will likely face execution under Trump. With less than a year left in his presidency, Biden must act now to show that he is a true leader who thinks of his country, not just his family. 

Sign the petition to urge President Biden to pardon people on death row, in home confinement, and imprisoned for outdated marijuana charges

As the country with the highest incarceration rate in the world, the United States has a profound responsibility to address its deeply flawed justice system. President Biden himself has acknowledged the disproportionate impact of federal death sentences on minority communities, and even made abolishing the federal death penalty a key aspect of his campaign. Yet, action on this promise remains unseen.

During the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the U.S. government tried reducing prison populations through sending carefully-vetted people to home confinement. The experiment was successful, with reoffending rates lower for people who finished their sentence at home than for those who served their full sentence in prison. Additionally, the continued imprisonment of individuals for marijuana offenses – now legal in many states – is a glaring injustice.

Let's remind Biden that true leadership is shown through courage. With Trump's presidency looming, action is essential.

Sign the petition to call on President Biden to use his remaining time in office to solidify a legacy of compassion and justice.

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