We Want Movies That Portray Pit Bulls and Dobermans As Good!!!

  • van: Victoria Salter
  • ontvanger: Disney, nWave, Illumination, 20th Century Fox

Hello 👋,
I'm watching "The Queen's Corgi". The movie is humorous and good fun as a kid's movie, and Rex the corgi is likeable.
However, there is one downside; like with a lot of media, the pit bull is a villain (at least, sort of).
Pit bulls suffer a very bad reputation thanks to media. Pit bulls are the victims of often lethal prejudice, and have been banned in some parts of the world, and movies casting them as the villains doesn't help matters.
Pit bulls get a terrible reputation as dangerous dogs, but the truth is that many pit bulls are actually lovely and great dogs, with great temperaments. Yes, they were bred to fight, but they were also bred to be non-aggressive to humans so that the dog-fighters could handle them and so that they could be with the dog-fighters' families, including their children. To this day, many pit bulls are still great family dogs, great with children and other animals. Yes, they may well be responsible for a higher percentage of dog attacks than other breeds and types, but there are still many, many lovely pitties out there. Also, as for the ones that are dangerous, it isn't even necessarily their fault. Oftentimes, they are made that way by people training and raising them to be aggressive and abusing and neglecting and chaining them, or just not being trained adequately (how is a dog supposed to know right from wrong if not taught properly? How is a child supposed to know right from wrong if not taught properly?)
Raised, trained and bred properly, pit bulls are wonderful dogs. They have even saved lives and served as therapy dogs, search-and-rescue dogs and military heroes. Remember Stubby, the dog who inspired the US K9 Corps in the military? He was a pitty. Remember Petey from "The Little Rascals"? He, too, was played for at least some time by a pit bull/s.
The prejudice can be lethal, with innocent dogs being taken from their people and killed just because of their breed/type. Even where these dogs are not banned, they are overlooked in shelters and pounds due to their bad reputation and due to their being among the most common dogs in shelters and pounds, often being killed as new homes aren't found for them.
Dobermans, too, get a very bad name in the movies. Most movies that have dobermans have them as the villains or villains' dogs. This is very unfair. Many Dobermans in real life are probably great dogs.
Disney, nWave, Illumination and Twentieth Century Fox, we would love to see Dobermans, pit bulls and Rottweilers portrayed as good and heroic in the movies!!! We would go and see and promote movies that feature these dogs as good, especially if the movies also promote rescue and/or have other animal rights messages*!!!
* Preferably using CGI or animation over real dogs. If real animals are to be used in the movies, we kindly ask that the animals are given equal/higher regard and care as the human actors, treated and cared for extremely well, loved and never forced to do anything they don't want to do, and that training is fun, kind and positive and that the animals enjoy acting, too.
Thank you 😊.

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