Demand Justice For Helpless Dolphin Who Died Alone In An Aquarium Pool!

  • van: Eric Rardin
  • ontvanger: Hiromu Kurokawa, Superintending Prosecutor

Honey, who was often known as the loneliest dolphin in the world, was discovered dead and abandoned.

Add your name if you want the cruel abusers responsible to pay the price!

"A dolphin which was dubbed the 'world's loneliest' after she was discovered at an abandoned Japanese aquarium has died.

"The animal, named Honey, died alone after spending the last two years of her life in a small pool at the Marine Park Aquarium in the city of Choshi, east of Tokyo.

"She first made headlines around the world after it emerged she had been abandoned in the aquarium along with 46 penguins since January 2018.

"Honey and the penguins, along with hundreds of fish and reptiles, were left after the facility was closed, citing a decline in visitors following the 2011 earthquake and Fukushima nuclear crisis," according to the Daily Mail.

You read that right.

Honey and her friends weren't profitable enough.

So the owners and staff of the aquarium simply abandoned them.

What kind of human being just walks away from animal and leaves them trapped, with no hope of survival?

Poor Honey died on March 29th, 2020.

"Dust-covered penguins were also seen perching on a crumbling structure near a pile of debris," said the same source.

"I'm disgusted by the captivity of these beautiful animals. They will have been driven in from out at sea with their pods, seen many of them slaughtered in front of them and then forced into venues like this.

"These dolphins will have been caught in Taiji, ask yourself how they got there. Then ask yourself what kind of life they live stuck in a tiny tank.

"These animals should be swimming wild, not swimming in disgusting water no bigger than a bath tub for people's amusement," said one person, who reviewed the park where Honey died on Trip Advisor.

You know they're right.

And one thing is clear: the people responsible for all this suffering must be held accountable.

That's why we're asking Hiromu Kurokawa, Superintending Prosecutor for Chiba prefecture, where this aquarium is located, to use their authority to hold the owners and management of Marine Park Aquarium accountable for the death of Honey, and for the suffering of all the animals imprisoned there.

Can you imagine how much those poor animals must have suffered?

Add your name to help get justice for Honey and her friends!

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