Stop the Abusive Blow Dart Attacks on Florida's Pigeons

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Gulf Breeze Police Department and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission

Recent disturbing incidents under the Three-Mile Bridge in Gulf Breeze, FL, have come to light, where pigeons are being mercilessly shot with blow darts, leaving them to suffer and die painful deaths. This cruel act not only threatens local wildlife but poses a broader danger to community safety, indicating a profound disrespect for life.

Sign this petition to urge the Gulf Breeze Police Department and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to use all available resources to find and stop the perpetrators of these horrible acts!

A local animal sanctuary reported that this brutality has persisted for months, with dozens of pigeons maimed. These acts of animal abuse are not only alarming but potentially indicative of more significant dangers, as research shows that cruelty to animals can be a precursor to more violent behavior towards humans.

Join us in standing up against animal cruelty and helping to ensure that this community remains a safe haven for all species.

Sign the petition now to support swift and decisive action to prevent further suffering and potential escalation of violence!

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