Save ocelots from hunters!

Ocelots are nice animals, but they are being hunted down for their fur. Texas is helping a lot with their endangerment, and we have to get back to business to try to reduce the number of ocelots hunted each year. There are only approx. 80-120 ocelots left, and we need to help that number go up. Thank you for all your support. Please sign and share!

I know everybody who signs this petition cares about animals.  And I hope the few that see this petition and don't sign it also care.  

Dear Decision Maker,

I have noticed that you have many animals up for adoption, but none of them are ocelots. Ocelots are in danger of becoming extinct, and I would like to ask if you could include them in the list of adoption options. 

Thank you,

[Your Name]

Update #19 jaar geleden
Emailed them, but still have not responded. I know we don't have many signatures, but I would greatly appreciate it if we could boost the number up a bit. Please share with as many people as possible. Thank you so much for your support!
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