Bring Back Forever

We live in a world where quality programming is almost non existent. Our brains are turning to mush with all of the "reality" shows that are taking over the networks.

Finally a show comes along, like "Forever", and it's unique, intelligent and we realize its everything we were wanting in a GREAT show. Then, after 1 season, it's taken from us. And it may sound silly, but the show is so well written, and so wonderfully acted, that we have become emotionally invested in these characters. We want to know more about them, we want to see them continue to live their lives and see where their path is taking them.

How will Henry explain the photograph to Jo? Will he try and talk his way out of it? Or will he just come clean? Will Adam somehow get out of the coma? These are all questions that, we the fans, need answers for! Please don't let this amazing show go like so many others!! Please give it one more chance!

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