If Trump Gets Away With This, Pollution Will Skyrocket!

President Trump may be in hot water when it comes to his possible impeachment, but that hasn't stopped him from turning the heat up on the earth.

Sign the petition and demand that the Trump administration leave the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) as it is!

A notorious enemy of environmental protection measures, the president is using the thin-as-ice argument of protecting jobs in the construction industry in order to further devastate our planet. The administration is moving to add revisions to NEPA that would remove the requirement to consider climate change when assessing the environmental impact of pipelines, highways, and other large federal structural projects.

Recently, the Keystone 1 Pipeline spilled almost 400,000 gallons of oil in North Dakota. If these revisions are permitted, we can expect far worse. Some of the new rules would limit the number of projects that require an environmental review at all - deforestation, waste dumping, and increased emissions would run rampant.

More horrifying still is the fact that the revisions would allow projects to ignore the impact of climate change on their future. For example, if a rise in sea level could potentially submerge a proposed highway, that will not be taken into consideration in its construction. Ignoring this reality will yield wasted work that has to be redone in several years time, ultimately squandering time and money.

The "burdensome regulations" that President Trump complains of are the same regulations that keep us safe and our planet from warming any faster than it already is. While Australia's bushfires devastate the continent, now is not the time to pull back on the laws protecting our environment. Instead, it's the time to ramp up environmental protections.

Please sign the petition and demand that the Trump administration dump these horrifying revisions to NEPA!
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