Help Pit bulls off the dangerous dog list & from being forbidden at rentals/apartments

Help get pit bulls off the dangerous dog list, and from being forbidden in certain rentals/apartments/etc. Let's help show those who only listen to the negatives about pit bulls, see the REAL side of them. The one that wasn't used for fighting. Help me get them a clean and clear slate. A new reputation instead of what the media produces. Being a pit bull owner myself, I see people try to avoid my car because of my dog, I see them talk, and its not fair. When pit bulls do a good deed, you don't hear of it from media, but from other sources. They dont want people to see the real side of pit bulls, but I'm here to help change that! My fellow pit bull lovers, owners, past owners, let's help these dogs begin a NEW life, and show people it ISN'T the breed, but the owners that make them mean dogs. Help me fight for them to be treated as any other breed!
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petitie tekenen
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