Hunting licenses for babies? This has to end.

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

Many children can't even turn a doorknob until they are at least two, but that isn't stopping Wisconsin from issuing hunting permits to children who are not even one year old yet.

You can forget for a moment that young children lack the size, strength, motor skills, or judgement to be trusted with a deadly weapon. Never mind that, in 2017, nearly 700 children under the age of 11 have been killed in firearms-related incidents.

You can maybe ignore the likelihood that these licenses are being purchased to skirt hunting limits and allow adult hunters to kill more wildlife using their children's licenses. You can even, for a moment, disregard the policy's no-holds-barred endorsement of needless and cruel sport hunting.

The simple truth is that giving babies, toddlers, and young children hunting licenses and the means to kill is an inherently bad idea. This policy is either: a) ridiculously dangerous; b) a remarkably cynical attempt to satisfy the governor's pro-gun, pro-sporthunting supporters; or c) both.

That'sa why we are calling for the immediate reversal of the state's outrageous decision to eliminate Wisconsin's minimum hunting age. Will you stand with us?

If enough of us speak out, we can make a difference — especially if we make sure to let Governor Walker know that we'd rather spend our money in states that take gun safety, wildlife stewardship, and animal compassion seriously.

Sign this urgent petition now to help us stop this ludicrous, reckless and dangerous policy.

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