Every minutue of everyday an animal is abused. In every single country in the world. Beaten, torchered in unthinkable ways. Burned alive, starved, limbs broken one at time. Ribs kicked in until they shatter, then their left to die. Coughing and choking on their own blood. Throats cuts, left to bleed out all alone and scared.Eyes ripped out or gouged in, by some sick twisted human being. And the lastest trend in California is stealing peoples pets holding them down pouring battery acid on them. Four dogs so far this month. Just this week in the state of Wisconsin a guy kills his 8 Rottweilers   Sets the house on fire. He's only getting charged with misdemeanor animals abuse.And will be fined, thankfully he also be charged for starting the fire and thats a felony. So should be murdering 8 helpless dogs. Who trusted him and couldnt defend themselves or get out of a burning house. Dogs are used as bait dogs are ripped to shreds. In dog fighting rings, left to die in alleys, garbage cans, or fields, or on cold basement floor.  Here are a few examples, where animals where stabbing literally stomped, kicked to death, beaten, in state of WI,  Only punishment fine, another a small 10 pound dog kidnapped from a home. Just to be set on fire, burned over 70% of its body. Will have to suffer the rest of its life, must under go several more surgeries.  In Newark Ny, woman goes into neighbors home, grabs 2 year old Shih Tzu named Honey. Runs out of the home throws the dog into traffic killing it, because she was angry at her neighbor over parking space. Just a few days guy pulls out a gun, shoots a cat. After he befriended it, then watched it flip flopping in the road, trying to crawl away. Latest case guy starves eldery dog ,so badly it was a walking skeleton, photos on Face book, 33 counts of abuse, what happened to him nothing. Walked out of court free as bird. Please look it up. Horse being drug by owners car because it stepped on his foot. People hurt them every minute of the day, people from all walks of life. We need to stop this abuse. Because they have no voice can't plead for there lives. A Baltimore cop of all people cut a dogs throat while it was in custody, dog was just lost. There are thousands of cases each day, so we need to stop animal cruelty no matter who's commiting the crime.  We as a people need to stand up an stop it. No more just giving them fines. Animals are living breathing innocent, and so full of love. They don't understand why they suffer, such pain. BUT WE CAN STOP IT TOGETHER!!!!. Those who hurt animals statics show they often go onto be rapist, child abusers, wife beaters, even murders. They often start at a young age, with torturing animals. Animals need to be protected and have rights. We can give that to them. If stand up and demand jail time automatically. No fines, or plea bargain's. Murder and torture is the same no matter if it's two legged or four legged. So lets start punishing these abusers in a proper way. Humans can speak up if they are abused, often don't do to fear, so imagine how an innocent animal who has no voice must feel forced to live in fear. When they suffer daily abuse, so please step up lets stop this now. Let abusers know we are going to stop it. Its a crime, so lets make it a felony. Put them in prison for their crimes. Did you know that animals are private property, viewed as such in most States. Doesn't give someone the right abuse them and get away with it. Please help me fight this, make new laws. Dogs who are seized are also held for years, in cages, while the abusers, go thru court proccedings. With little human contact during that time. Which is just as wrong and abusive, change starts with us. Sadly some our returned to the abusers in the end. We have to stop this now. So please help me, share this petition with everyone. Lets change the law. I cant tell you how dear this is to me. I'd give my life to protect my beloved pets. While I am fighting cancer they stayed next to me, giving me love and kisses. Not caring what I looked like, or how I felt. Shouldn't we give this kind of love and devotion back to them. If you look for something that has no evil in it, look to a animal. Because they our free from evil, unlike the humans who hurt them. So if I change one thing in this world before the good Lord calls me home. Its to protect those who count on us to protect them.

Update #49 jaar geleden
I know its the holidays, but not for these animals who are being torched, left to starve, and being beaten. Lets give them the gift of life and love. Stop the pain. So please share this and send it out on twitter Facebook with friends and family.
Update #310 jaar geleden
I am still going strong on getting signatures for Making Animal Abuse A Felony Nationwide, however I need help. So please help me by taking the time to share this petition with everyone you possibly can, so we can make change together. I'm not giving up on this, way too so important to me. So thank you for all your help. Thank you
Update #210 jaar geleden
We need more signatures, please repost and share this petition. So we can change the laws together. Lets help these animals.
Update #110 jaar geleden
We need more signatures please forward this petition, stop animal abuse. Make it happen together. Thank you
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