Seriously Prosecute Man and Woman Who Abused Their Child & 11 Dogs

  • van: Sue Lee
  • ontvanger: South Carolina Law Enforcement & Judicial Departments

Please sign and share this petition nationwide on all your media sites to bring awareness to this case, demanding severe punishment of these parents. They were investigated and discovered with their child, 11 years of age and 11 dogs living in deplorable conditions. We want to ensure these people are punished to the fullest extent of the law.

When investigating a situation with two parents in South Carolina, police discovered in their poor care, an 11-year old child and 11 very neglected dogs living in extreme poor conditions. Police were drawn to the home of Paul and Melanie Howard when a neighbor called and claimed these folks were stealing electricity.

During the investigation of the "stolen electricity," police discovered much more than they could've ever bargained for. The sheriff's office stated that these parents did not show any regard for the health and well being of their 11-year old girl and the dogs that lived in areas full of trash and feces. The child and dogs have lived in these conditions for many months or more.

Disturbing photos can be viewed at The dog's faced were extremely matted with food and feces; one of the dog's was missing a limb and lost its sight. The dogs are now being properly cared for by Pawmetto Lifeline with a long road ahead of them. We need to ensure these "parents" receive the ultimate maximum sentence for child neglect and 11 counts of felony animal cruelty, abuse and neglect.

Please help us to put these people away for a very long time for each count of abuse and ban them from pet ownership for the rest of their lives. They don't deserve to have that child either; she needs to be with people who will love and care for her in a manner she deserves.

South Carolina Law Enforcement & Judicial Departments - You need to severely punish Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Melanie Howard for child neglect and 11 counts of animal cruelty and abuse. No child should ever have to live in these types of conditions with trash and feces strewn throughout the home. The animals were also in deplorable conditions as evidenced by the photos and reports. The Howard's need to relinquish their rights as a "parent" and be punished to the fullest extent of the law with at least the one case of child neglect and abuse, and 11 counts of felony animal cruelty, abuse and neglect. These folks should be put away for a very long time and never be allowed to have pets of any time for the rest of their lives. This child needs to be placed with someone who could give her the love and care she needs and deserves.

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