Stop the use of Palm Oil in Cadbury Chocolate

  • van: Lily Roberts
  • ontvanger: Head of Cadburys, Cadbury Compnay

Cadbury chocolate litters our streets as millions of people everyday buy their products. Currently the worldwide company hide their palm oil as vegetable fat on their packaging! As well as hiding the guilty truth they continue to use it in the chocolate. I am only twelve and I have an orang-utan in Borneo and it disguests me that they sell their products in countries in and around Indonesia where the impact is taking it's toll.

150 acres of forest is lost every minute (that is 56,00 square miles a year!) Citizens of these Indonesian countries cut down the forest to set up palm oil plantations and then they sell it on to these big companies. The wildlife and animals often die from starvation and torture from the 'locals.' Please visit to support a UK charity that coperates with a rehabilitation centre in Borneo who rescue orang-tans every day from destructions like this. Please also spare time to watch this heart-breaking video about deforestation and the impact on the habitat and welfare of orangutans . 


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petitie tekenen


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