Stop using tax dollar's to kill Wildlife

  • van: Wesley Flickinger
  • ontvanger: Phyllis K. Fong, Inspector General, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture

I just found this out the government is using tax dollars for a team known as Wildlife Services. I for one is very angry and sadden by this news. Thats why i'm taking action againest this group this will be a long battle but I know with the help of many people who isn't afraid to let their voice be heard we can stop this maddness. WE MUST STAND AS ONE FOR THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE A VOICE!!!! Now who is with me.

Dear Phyllis K. Fong

I am shocked by the activities of your department's Wildlife Services division, particularly its controversial "predator control program," which spends tens of millions of taxpayer dollars each year to kill more than 100,000 native carnivores with poisons, traps and aerial gunning, among other methods.

I urge you to conduct your planned and long-overdue audit of Wildlife Services, which must expose the true environmental and financial costs of this deadly operation.

Wildlife Services has consistently wasted the tax dollars of hardworking Americans, refused to resolve predator-livestock conflicts with non-lethal methods, killed tens of thousands of non-target animals (including pets and endangered species) and failed to provide taxpayers with any information about its outrageous actions. This inhumane program must be held accountable at long last.

I strongly encourage you to prioritize this much-needed investigation and provide the public with the information and oversight necessary to transform Wildlife Services into a more humane, responsible and transparent agency. Thank you. WE MUST STAND AS ONE FOR THOSE WHO DON'T HAVE A VOICE!!!!!!!!

Update #111 jaar geleden
We are more then half way to the goal but we still have a lot of work to do. So tell your friends and family about this Petition and lets stop this maddness once and for all who is with me.
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