Support a single-use disposable bag ban in Fort Worth

Plastic bags are prevalent in the Trinity River, lakes, parks, neighborhoods, roadways and are clogging our sewage and wastewater systems. Plastic bags threaten fish and wildlife, livestock and tourism. Please help make Fort Worth an environmental leader by banning single-use plastic bags in Fort Worth.

I support a single-use plastic bag ban ordinance in the City of Fort Worth.

Dear Fort Worth City Council,

Each year, Americans consume an estimated 335 plastic bags per person per year; over 100 billion all together. A ban on single-use plastic bags will decrease the costs of litter cleanup; saving the City money. It will reduce the amount of plastic in our rivers and lakes, along roadways and medians, and will reduce impacts to fish and wildlife. It will also reduce impacts to the City's storm water system. Other Texas cities who have enacted a similar ordinance have seen a noticeable reduction in litter.

Please consider passing an ordinance that bans single-use plastic bags. 

Update #410 jaar geleden
We reached 400 signatures! Thanks everyone, please share on FB, with your friends and family.
Update #310 jaar geleden
Thank you for signing the petition to ban single-use disposable bags in Fort Worth. Please consider writing, calling and emailing your city council member and the mayor to tell them you want a bag ban. Also, please see our website for more information. And tell your friends and family about the petition.
Update #211 jaar geleden
Thanks for signing our petition. Please go to our website and download sample letter and send to your city council representative in Fort Worth. Thanks!
Update #111 jaar geleden
Don't worry, we won't clog your inbox with too many emails, but this is important. In just over 1 1/2 months, we are almost to 200 signatures. I think that's really cool! Please forward this petition to anyone you know living in or near Fort Worth, TX. We making change!

Fort Worth Sierra Club
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