Stop the cruelty in mobile zoos in Russia.

  • van: Vera Lukashina
  • ontvanger: President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

The Russian mobile menageries animals are kept in appalling conditions. Very small cages where the animals can make just two steps, and sometimes none. Pets are hungry, get sick and die. they were not provided with medical assistance, because it is expensive. Children remain a moral shock after seeing: the sick, exhausted animals in cramped cages. I ask those close zoos. And to carry all animals in zoos comfortable.

Good afternoon. I appeal to you for help. The Russian mobile menageries animals are kept in appalling conditions. Very small cages where the animals can make just two steps, and sometimes none. Pets are hungry, get sick and die. they were not provided with medical assistance, because it is expensive. Children remain a moral shock after seeing: the sick, exhausted animals in cramped cages. I ask those close zoos.  And to carry all animals in zoos comfortable.

Update #19 jaar geleden
Friends from all over the world, together we have collected 3,341 signatures in support of a petition to close the mobile zoo. Today, a letter sent to the President of the Russian Federation! Thank you for your kindness. Together - we are force)
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