GSD and other Bad Breeders

Lochtroy German Shepherds have been notified of the Epilepsy in her Puppies, but has no concern for this beautiful breed or the miserable life she's giving them. She continued to use the same Dam and sire and just line her pockets selling her KC Registered puppies. The German Shepherd council have studied her bloodline and found a thousand links to Epilepsy, but does she care? No. More needs doing to protect any breed and if all we can do is hurt her pocket and encourage good breeding practice, let's do it. This breeder doesn't have the Dam anymore, but does the Sire. Her breeding skills and program is certainly not moniterd! And on occasions she has stated that this Bitch was caught by this Sire and so on. Please Sign. One thousand signatures and it can then be put to the Kennel Club.

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