A Man Attacked a Defenseless Pig With a Machete and Left It to Suffer, Struggling and in Pain

  • van: Care2 Team
  • ontvanger: Mohave County Sheriff's Office (MCSO)
A man has been arrested in Arizona after doing the unthinkable -- attacking an innocent animal with a machete.

Sign the petition and demand this person be sentenced to mandatory counseling and a ban on ever owning or working with animals ever again!

Reports of the attack came the day after it occurred, which is gut wrenching when you consider how long this pig was suffering and in pain. Witnesses say the man brutally attacked the defenseless animal on Wednesday, boring down with the huge blade into the poor thing's back. By Thursday, the pig was in very clear pain; authorities even said it was having trouble breathing, either from the sheer pain it was in or due to damage to its lungs.

Responders made the heartbreaking but humane decision to euthanize the pig and put it out of its misery.

We have no idea what drove this man to attack this animal, but what we do know is that he cannot be allowed to attack again. This kind of intense violence is a clear indicator that he could be a danger to more animals in the future, or even people -- we know from research that people who are violent towards animals often escalate to humans.

That's why we're asking that, as a part of this man's sentencing, he be required to attend mental health counseling. He must also be barred from ever owning or interacting with an animal again! Sign the petition if you agree!
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